Streamer Interview Series #1

This is our first streamer interview of our tech blog, by none other than, one of our favorite streamers GeekyGlam, and we hope you enjoy!

Who is your favorite video game character?

  • One of my favorite video game characters as a kid was Yoshi. I really loved Yoshi’s Story on N64 and I always tried to pick Yoshi when racing on Mario Kart. Nowadays, I really enjoy games I create my own character because then I am able to customize my character based on my play style and you can really get creative with your characters backstory. 

What’s your backstory and how did you get into streaming? 

  • I have played video games since I was very young. For my 8th birthday I was gifted my first gaming console, the NES. Some of my all time favorite games include Mario Kart, Dance Dance Revolution, World of Warcraft, The Sims, and Sea of Thieves. I started playing Sea of Thieves on a decent laptop in 2018 but as soon as I started watching streamers play the game on Twitch I thought I would give it a try. 

Tell us about your channel and community:

  • I started my channel off when I was focused primarily on sea of thieves, and it was a great game to play and stream. I met so many awesome people in the sea of thieves community and attended TwitchCon 2019 with my husband (electrical_luke) and 7 other streamers we met through playing Sea of Thieves. As a variety streamer, I enjoy playing many different games and genres that bring in new people to the channel. 

What are your hobbies and interests?

  • When I am not live on Twitch I can often be found rollerskating at the local rink on adult skate night or planning my next cosplay to do and comic convention to attend. 

The next question in the streaming interview is: what are your strengths?

  • Persistence. I have been streaming since 2018 and its not always easy to keep up with, especially when life throws all kinds of lemons; Covid, job loss, illness, mental health, relationships and family. Its ok to take a break and come back later. 

How do you stay creative? 

  • When I am feeling stuck, I sometimes look for inspiration from others. I will ask for suggestions from viewers often to see what they enjoy. I want my community where everyone can share their creative ideas and help give suggestions on how the channel can improve as well as how I can grow as a content creator. 

What are some challenges you have experienced working in the gaming industry?

  • Unfortunately with some games and with some communities; toxic game chat and immature behavior from viewers, players, even some streamers have been known to cause issues from time to time. The best thing you can do is plan for these situations. 
  • I recommend creating ways to easily and quickly mute game or discord from stream, creating a background or BRB scene to help prevent stream sniping during server queues and and games people need room codes to join. Unless you are comfortable allowing new people to join games. Look for a trusted viewer to help mod chat it needed and lock voice channels when streaming if you have many unknown people with access to your voice channel.   

How hard did you work to get where you are in streaming? 

  • Its not always easy and you may have to expect some disappointments along the way. But there is a lot of reward when feeling a part of something with people that care about each other. It really is a collaborative effort from everyone within a community to help it grow. Change will happen and when you have a supportive group no matter what the size; you will come out on the other side with more experience and knowledge than before. 

What was your most challenging moment while streaming? 

  • There are many challenges while streaming but I hope to not take them too seriously because I love streaming and one stream my not meet expectations. Low views, no one chatting, technical difficulties are all bound to happen. My cat has more than a few times jumped onto my computer and pressed the power button mid stream. Now its just something we laugh about when my cat jumps up on my desk. Insert cat paw pushing the button emote.

One of the most popular questions in our streamer interview series is next. How did you come up with your Twitch username/channel name?

  • One of my favorite quotes is by Simon Pegg. He said, “Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something.” I added Glam to represent the glamorous feeling when you start sharing your interests with others because I want others to feel proud of investing in what the enjoy. 

What was your most memorable gaming experience?

  • One experience that comes to mind was when I learned how to play World of Warcraft. My husband introduced me to “vanilla” wow in 2006. I had already been in bed a few hours when I just couldn’t resist the urge to log in to the game and hurry to do some questing. I have some of the best memories from WoW and other MMOs.  

What are some of your current goals?

  • I currently want to work on creating my special event streams for things like community nights playing Fall Guys. I also set periodic goals for growing the channel, such as new follower goals. I also like setting rewards for goals like a SpongeBob cosplay stream. 

If you could change one thing about any streaming platform, what would it be? 

  • No ads would be nice. I understand it helps create revenue but they could be a lot shorter and less frequent. The nice thing is I can change my ad settings for my channel as often as I choose.  

Do you enjoy streaming invidually or more with a gaming group?

  • I enjoy playing with others more but I love getting to relax with a nice cozy single player

What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever received from a viewer?

  • There has been so much useful feedback from my community. When a viewer in chat types “I think your mic is muted”. This is such invaluable feedback, nothing worse than not knowing you have been talking on mute.

How do you balance streaming and your day-to-day life?

  • My personal health and my family are my priorities and I do my best to let others know when plans have changed.  

        I do work a full time job so I have to make sure I have the energy myself to go live. I hope to set a streaming schedule in the next couple months so that both my family and my viewers know when to expect the next stream. 

And finally the last question in the streaming interview is: In your opinion What is the best way for a new streamer to get started?

  • You dont need to wait! 
  • There are ways to get started before you go live. Hang out in other streams, find the game you would like to stream.
  • Etsy has inexpensive art! If you really want to start your stream with overlays and alerts to show your personality to your new viewers.  
  • You don’t have to have the best accessories to start. I have used the same webcam for 4 years. You will find what works best for you. Just ask the guys at Cabala Consolidated these guys know computers! 

Want to see GeekyGlam in action Check out her socials here:
Facebook X (Twitter)

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